Principal Investigator

Emily Tanner-Smith

Thomson Professor, College of Education

Executive Director, HEDCO Institute for Evidence-Based Educational Practice

PhD, Vanderbilt University, 2009
MA, Vanderbilt University, 2007
BS, Belmont University, 2003

Dr. Tanner-Smith’s research interests are focused on adolescent behavior and development, substance use and addiction, and applied research methods. She is an expert in systematic reviewing and meta-analysis methods, and currently serves on the editorial boards for Prevention Science, Psychological Bulletin, and Research Synthesis Methods. Dr. Tanner-Smith is also an appointed member of SAMHSA’s Center for Substance Abuse Treatment National Advisory Council.

Dr. Tanner-Smith’s current research examines the effectiveness of brief substance use interventions and recovery high schools for youth, with particular emphasis on understanding variability in effectiveness across diverse contexts, settings, and client populations. Her current work also focuses on understanding the effects of school-based mental and behavioral health prevention programs.

Prior to joining the Counseling Psychology and Human Services Department at the University of Oregon, Dr. Tanner-Smith was an Associate Research Professor at Vanderbilt University and Director of the Meta-Analysis Center at the Peabody Research Institute. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking and traveling.

Featured Publications

Digital games, design, and learning: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Minority stress and substance use in sexual minority adolescents: A meta-analysis

Effects of recovery high school attendance on students’ mental health symptoms

Adding security, but subtracting safety? Exploring schools’ use of multiple visible security measures

Juvenile drug court effects on recidivism and drug use: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Brief alcohol interventions for adolescents and young adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Co-occurring mental and behavioral health conditions among collegiate recovery program members

Empirically based mean effect size distributions for universal prevention programs targeting school-aged youth: A review of meta-analyses

Advancing the science of evaluating Collegiate Recovery Program processes and outcomes: A recovery capital perspective

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