The Applied Research Methods & Statistics Lab

We are committed to conducting research aimed at preventing behavioral and mental health conditions across the lifespan, with an emphasis on the development and application of innovative statistical methods.


HEDCO Institute for Evidence-Based Educational Practice

The HEDCO Institute for Evidence-Based Educational Practice aims to provide K-12 education and policy leaders in the United States with relevant, accessible, valid, and reliable information about the latest research so they can implement evidence-informed practices and policies that promote the physical, mental, and social well-being of students, schools, and communities.

Prevention Science Institute

The Prevention Science Institute at the University Oregon is a multidisciplinary institute that focuses on understanding human development, preventing behavioral health problems, and implementing effective interventions in community settings.

Featured Publications

Investigating the interplay between mental health conditions and social connectedness on suicide risk

Applying an empirically derived effect size distribution to benchmark the practical magnitude of interventions to reduce recidivism in the USA

Examining the effects of juvenile drug treatment courts: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Interpersonal violence and suicide risk: examining buffering effects of school and community connectedness

Social-ecological predictors of opioid use among adolescents with histories of substance use disorders

Co-occurring mental and behavioral health conditions among collegiate recovery program members

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